Oct 3, 2022
Katie Lain is the co-founder of Thrive Alcohol Recovery, an organization that uses the Sinclair Method to help treat alcohol use disorder (AUD).
Katie struggled a decade trying to get her drinking under control, but no programs or treatments worked. In searching the internet for answers, she found a TedX featuring Claudia Christian, How I Overcame Alcoholism, and thought what she was saying was too good to be true.
Developed by Dr. David Sinclair, the Sinclair Method works by taking naltrexone, an FDA approved medication, 1-2 hours before drinking, to block the pleasure receptors in your brain. With long-term, consistent use, it is medically proven effective at changing a person’s relationship with alcohol.
SMART Recovery is a great compliment to the Sinclair Method because it teaches people tools, like the Hierarchy of Values (HOV) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), to help them understand why they abused alcohol and how to now live life without it.
Check out this great interview by Luke Frazier, for our show Insiders+ Access, made possible in part by the generous support of SMART Insiders+ participants.