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SMART Recovery® Podcast

Dec 10, 2012

Richard Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, introduces the 2012 SMART Recovery Conference.

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Oct 19, 2012

This podcast, titled "Faith & Reason: Adversaries or Partners in Life?," is the third of more to come in our workshop series, The Art of Living, featuring Ed Garcia, one of the key innovators of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy). Please check back in the coming months for the next workshop in this series.


Jul 17, 2012

This podcast, entitled "Who Am I?," is the second of more to come in our workshop series, The Art of Living, featuring Ed Garcia, one of the key innovators of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy). Please check back in the coming months for the next workshop in this series.

If you are a already signed up at SMART...

Jun 19, 2012

Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most widely used psychological method for combatting depression, for one simple reason: it works. In this brief workshop, Dr. Bill Knaus introduces you to cognitive, emotive, and behavioral techniques to overcome and prevent depression. He shares innovative, practical...

Apr 18, 2012

This podcast is the first of more to come in our workshop series, The Art of Living, featuring Ed Garcia, one of the key innovators of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy). Please check back in the coming months for the next workshop in this series.

If you are a already signed up at SMART Recovery® Online,...