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SMART Recovery® Podcast

Jul 24, 2017

A fascinating conversation on Addiction & the Brain: A Focus on Opiates, with Dr. Christopher J. Tuell, Clinical Director of Addiction Services at the Lindner Center of HOPE of UC Health in Cincinnati. 

This was an interesting and far-reaching discussion, beginning with a look at today’s opiate epidemic. Dr. Tuell...

Jun 30, 2015

The focus is on using simple evidence-based tools from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), specifically the tools of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) as conceived by Dr. Albert Ellis, to help anyone, not just those struggling with addiction. SMART focuses its application of these tools on addictive behavior,...

May 19, 2015

Stanton Peele returns to SMART Recovery to discuss Recreating Addiction Treatment in the 21st Century with Dr. Tom Horvath, SMART’s President.

Thought, attitudes, and the treatment of addiction is shifting. Choice and empowerment have slowly become the accepted wisdom as the keys to personal change. This event’s...

Mar 31, 2015

As friends and family, our intimate connection should make us natural allies. However, we often don’t know how to talk with each other or work together when it comes to the emotionally intense issue of addiction. 

SMART believes that Family & Friends deserve high-quality, compassionate and optimistic support of their...

Feb 11, 2015

Dr. Hank Robb is an expert in both ACT and REBT, and in this podcast he shares ways in which some of the insight from ACT complements the tools of SMART Recovery.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, or ACT (pronounced as the word “act”) is one of several acceptance based, 3rd generation cognitive behavioral therapies....