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SMART Recovery® Podcast

Mar 31, 2015

As friends and family, our intimate connection should make us natural allies. However, we often don’t know how to talk with each other or work together when it comes to the emotionally intense issue of addiction. 

SMART believes that Family & Friends deserve high-quality, compassionate and optimistic support of their own. We know it is possible to get sober. We believe loved ones can help, without becoming codependent, resorting to tough love or enabling. The tools of SMART and CRAFT work beautifully to encourage healthy, productive efforts towards an improved quality of life for all.

Dr. Robert Meyers has pioneered the study of how families can help support those with addiction and is a creator of CRAFT – Community Reinforcement and Family Training, a scientifically validated and widely acclaimed approach. He is currently director of Robert J. Meyers, Ph.D., & Associates.

Dr. Jeffrey Foote has over 25 years of extensive, well-recognized clinical research and is Founder and Director of the Center for Motivation and Change (CMC).

Dr. Tom Horvath has been President of SMART Recovery for 18 of its 20 years. His addiction treatment practice, Practical Recovery, just celebrated its 30th anniversary.

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© 2015 SMART Recovery®.   Music created and copyright 2015 Donald Sheeley with unlimited use as is donated to SMART Recovery.