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SMART Recovery® Podcast

Sep 26, 2022

September is National Recovery Month, but many advocates point out we can certainly recognize recovery year-round, including Keegan Wicks. He is the National Advocacy and Outreach Manager for Faces & Voices of Recovery. He works to ensure that the recovery spectrum of services is available and funded for anyone who needs them.

In this podcast, Keegan talks about:

  • Why it’s okay to say “Happy” Recovery Month
  • How Recovery Month started and has changed throughout the years
  • His personal journey with mental health and substance use disorders
  • How his family network helped him navigate the often-complicated recovery system
  • Why the systems and access to recovery should never be a result of good luck and privilege
  • The inner voice that led him to get involved and affect change
  • Being the voice at the table with lived experience in recovery
  • Faces & Voices of Recovery’s focus and core messages of accessibility and inclusiveness
  • Helping organizations be “recovery ready”
  • How Congress is helping with prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts
  • Why it’s an exciting time to highlight and show what recovery can look like
  • How to get involved in Recovery Month initiatives, and why to stay involved