Mar 2, 2016
This is a wide-ranging talk about addiction and today’s youth and teens. Dr. Horvath, SMART’s President, interviews Dr. Stanton Peele on what is needed in society, in public policy, for parents, and for those in the caring and justice professions, to better help our young people. For young adults, we want to show you the power of making your own choices and having solid resources for decision-making readily available, so you can assess what’s best for you and live lives of freedom and power.
How do we know if our children are in trouble or not? How does support fit into the picture of addiction? How does treatment and support for teens and young people differ from that for adults? What about social media, smartphones, video/games? How can we incorporate sensible, helpful, empowering approaches into our homes and our parenting? Dr. Peele has turned his attention over the years to a number of areas in the field of addiction. In 2007, he described that while “addiction can be especially debilitating for the young, young people are more likely than not to outgrow it. The way out of addiction is to develop a range of skills and engage fully in life.”
Stanton Peele has been in the vanguard of advocating for science-based addiction policy, treatment recovery approaches for over 40 years. (His breakthrough book Love and Addiction, was published in 1975!) His views have gone from highly controversial to widely accepted, and we are grateful for his continuous efforts to provide context and facts, always facts, to his examination of addiction. He wrote Addiction-Proof Your Child in 2007 and most recently wrote: Recover! An Empowering Program to Help You Stop Thinking Like an Addict and Reclaim Your Life. His Life Process Program is available online.
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